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  • 3M’s Developers Are Well Versed in Secure Coding Thanks to CxCodebashing

3M’s Developers Are Well Versed in Secure Coding Thanks to CxCodebashing

The 3M Company is an American multinational corporation operating in the fields of industry, worker safety, health care, and consumer goods.

3M uses science to improve lives and help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges. Catering to millions of customers worldwide, it comes as no surprise that 3M makes its application security a priority and requires its software developers secure mandatory coding education.

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Learn how Adam Bentley, who manages 3M Health Information Systems' Code Security program and developers’ coding education, ensures developers are well versed in secure coding best practices and techniques using Checkmarx’s AppSec awareness and training solution for DevOps.

Deploy complex code at speed and scale

Save critical development time by seamlessly integrating security into your workflows.

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Application Development Software

Application Development Software

Application Development Software refers to a computer program or a suite of tools that allow develop...