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A How-To Guide to Headless and Decoupled CMS

The rapid evolution of diverse end-user clients and applications has given rise to a dizzying array of digital channels to support.

Websites in the past were built from monolithic architectures utilizing web content management solutions (CMS) that deliver content through a templating solution tightly “coupled” with the CMS on the back-end. Agile organizations crave flexibility, and strive to manage structured content across different presentation layers consistently in a way that’s scalable. Accomplishing this efficiently requires that teams have flexibility in the front-end frameworks that dominate the modern digital landscape.

Report Snap Shot

  • Defining Decoupled CMS
  • Platform Considerations
  • Decoupled Flexibility: Progressive vs. Fully Decoupled
  • Practical Decoupled Use Cases
  • Why JavaScript Matters
  • Best Practices: Drupal API

Solution Categories

Mobile Content Management System

Mobile Content Management System

A Mobile Content Management System (CMS) is a software platform that allows users to create, manage,...