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Developing an effective adoption strategy for Microsoft Teams

5 Steps to Realisticly Implementing Microsoft Teams

The uptake of Microsoft Teams accelerated throughout 2020, as many organizations fleshed out their remote work strategies and the platform itself matured technologically. But even as Teams becomes more popular, simply adopting it doesn’t mean employees will actually use it.

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  • Persistence of legacy alternatives: End users may stick with email out of habit, low confidence in Teams and absence of incentives to switch.
  • Shadow IT: Teams alternatives can be risky, too. Cloud-based file sharing traffic rose 65% from January to March 2020, with 40% of it going to systems unapproved by IT.
  • Disorganization: Due to inadequate planning, workers may be assigned to channels that don’t correspond to their roles, aren’t project-specific or lack descriptive names.
  • User communication and education: A one-size-fits-all approach to adoption won’t work; not all users have similar tech awareness or are equally eager to embrace change.