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  • Forrester Consulting Study: The Total Economic Impact™️ of ActiveControl DevOps

Forrester Consulting Study: The Total Economic Impact™️ of ActiveControl DevOps for SAP

Basis Technologies commissioned Forrester Consulting, a leading global analyst firm, to determine the Total Economic Impact (TEI) of ActiveControl.

Forrester concluded that a typical ActiveControl user could achieve a return on investment of 245% and generate $1.24 million in economic benefits over a three-year period, with the software paying for itself in less than six months. And those are just the quantifiable outcomes. Readers of the report will also learn about a range of other benefits ActiveControl users identified as driving additional value.

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Download your copy of Forrester Consulting’s Total Economic Impact of ActiveControl study to learn how adopting DevOps automation in your company’s SAP systems could generate cost savings and business benefits.

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DevOps Software

DevOps Software

DevOps Software refers to a category of tools and solutions designed to facilitate the DevOps approa...