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  • Choosing the Best SASE Solution for Your Hybrid Workforce
Ebook Fortinet - Choosing the Best SASE Solution for Your Hybrid Workforce

Choosing the Best SASE Solution for Your Hybrid Workforce

Secure access service edge

Today, organizations must provide their Work-From-Anywhere (WFA) employees with secure, authenticated access to critical applications and resources. Many organizations are turning to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), a reliable and flexible security solution to protect their networks, data, and hybrid workforce. Unfortunately, not all SASE solutions are effective. Application-specific access, security features, and security efficacy can vary widely. IT leadership must carefully consider several critical capabilities across some core use cases when evaluating SASE for their environments.

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This e-book covers:

  • How Today’s WFA Users Impact Cybersecurity
  • Taking a Single-Vendor SASE Approach
  • Choosing Your Solution to Work from Anywhere without Worry