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Report How AI Can Help CFOs and CPOs to Optimise Spend and Create Value

How AI Can Help CFOs and CPOs to Optimise Spend and Create Value

Almost two-thirds (62%) of CFOs say they are under increased pressure to demonstrate profitable growth. To achieve that goal, CFOs must collaborate with CPOs to formulate future-forward strategies and prepare for expansion-related initiatives. But how can CFOs and CPOs overcome roadblocks to build a more effective partnership? To address these and other challenges, GEP partnered with CFO Dive on this guide - How AI Can Help CFOs and CPOs To Optimise Spend and Create Value.

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  • Closing the CFO-CPO information gap by broadening the analysis beyond historical data
  • Leveraging the powerful combination of AI and machine data to gain closed-loop visibility
  • Deploying the latest iteration of generative AI-driven tools to uncover hidden patterns and trends