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  • How to Build a Digital Workforce with Robotic Process Automation by JifJaff

How to Build a Digital Workforce with Robotic Process Automation by JifJaff

Download this guide for a detailed look at how businesses should be building their digital workforce.

It’s clear that digital workforces are the future of business. Imagine a bot that can complete administrative work, only faster, and with 99.9% accuracy. But how should RPA be implemented for optimum results?

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  • 24/7 output – bots work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, completing mundane tasks while you sleep.
  • Improved productivity – RPA software can complete jobs much faster than its human counterparts (up to 70% faster).
  • Better quality of work – minimise manual errors, increase compliance, and achieve a higher level of consistency with simple, standardised processes.