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  • Lucrative Pricing and Packaging Strategies for the Cloud

Lucrative Pricing and Packaging Strategies for the Cloud Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond

One of the things that both recurring revenue and software as a service enables ISVs to do is to get away from what’s been wrong with traditional on-premise software pricing in the past.

Software pricing and packaging is an art form regardless of whether it’s delivered as a service or as physical on-premise software. There is also a lot of science involved. Download this whitepaper to explore the most critical aspects of introducing and managing SaaS applications. In addition to this, the paper also presents independent software vendors (ISVs) with ideas on how to build, execute and manage effective software pricing and packaging strategies for cloud services and recurring revenue streams.

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  • Software as a Service Characteristics and Requirements
  • Keep it Simple But Not One Size Fits All
  • The Freemium Model
  • Hybrid Pricing and Packaging Strategies