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  • Modern Application Development in Financial Services

Modern Application Development in Financial Services

Ensuring Your AppSec Program Adds Value

The financial services sector is experiencing significant and sustained disruption. As established institutions strive to service the demands of the digital native customer generation, they face strong competition from a swarm of agile FinTech market entrants – the banking monopoly is over. Innovation is table stakes as traditional banks work to develop their own new products and services or work to integrate those acquired in an active M&A environment.

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Modern day bank heists don’t involve guns and getaway cars. These days it is far simpler and less risky for cyber criminals to blast through the digital vault doors to exfiltrate data and money. Download this eBook to discover why moving towards modern application development is the right approach.

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Application Development Software

Application Development Software

Application Development Software refers to a computer program or a suite of tools that allow develop...