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  • Slack AI capabilities ignite productivity using institutional knowledge
Ebook Slack - Slack AI capabilities ignite productivity using institutional knowledge

Slack AI capabilities ignite productivity using institutional knowledge

Time-saving AI tools

One of Slack’s greatest superpowers for business is that it brings together all your projects, data and conversations—the collective knowledge your employees need to do their best work every day. With the launch of our native AI features, you can put all of that information to work for you in new and easy-to-use ways in Slack, the AI-powered conversational interface for work. In this e-book, you’ll learn about: Slack’s powerful new AI features that can help you get the most out of your data, how we ensure data privacy by design and why trust is our No. 1 value when building out all AI features in Slack.

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This ebook covers:

  • How to unlock the full potential of your data in Slack with AI
  • Controling access to your data
  • Explore AI tools you can use in Slack today