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  • Solving interoperability with MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare
Webinar interoperability

Solving interoperability with MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare

See how we’ve further expanded the MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare’s (v2.4) capabilities beyond a fully productized end-to-end solution to power EHR connectivity and Patient 360.

Now, the Accelerator directly addresses your most pressing interoperability concerns including the CMS and ONC mandates as well as lab integrations capabilities for COVID-19 testing and reporting.

Watch Webinar

Webinar Snap shot

  • Discover the MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare (v2.4) including the latest features.
  • Learn how the Accelerator can quickly stand up Patient 360 in Health Cloud.
  • See demos of our pre-built APIs to meet interoperability mandates.
  • Learn about an API-led approach through customer examples and best practices