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Tackle the Right AI Projects for the Best ROI

Real-world examples and advice

Avoiding data or AI project failure starts with ensuring the fundamentals are in place before any given project is even off the ground. One of those key fundamentals is actually choosing the right project. After reading this flipbook, you’ll have the necessary tools to choose the use cases that have both high business value and a high likelihood of success, both critical to have in a world with limitless potential use cases but limited resources.

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An ideal data or AI project will have clear and compelling answers to each of these questions:  

  • WHO will this project benefit? 
  • HOW will it specifically improve experience or outcomes, and HOW can this be measured? 
  • WHY is using AI for this purpose better than existing processes? 
  • WHAT is the upside if it succeeds, and WHAT are the consequences if it fails? 
  • WHERE will the data come from, and does it already exist? 
  • WHEN should an initial working prototype and, subsequently, a final solution in production be delivered?