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  • How AI-Powered Procurement Software Fuels the Growth of Midsize Companies
Report How AI-Powered Procurement Software Fuels the Growth of Midsize Companies

How AI-Powered Procurement Software Fuels the Growth of Midsize Companies

At many midsize companies, the procurement function isn’t clearly defined. As such, growing enterprises must find a solution that meets the needs of a diverse group of users. To support their ambitious expansion strategies, midsize firms need to leverage AI-powered procurement tools for superior decision-making. But it is not a cookie-cutter approach. GEP partnered with CFO Dive to address midsize companies’ unique procurement challenges and to explore how to harness the potential of AI-driven procurement.

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  • Collecting granular data about your company’s spending
  • Assessing vendor risk and prioritising vendors
  • Empowering communication and collaboration