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The State of Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) continues to have a major impact on businesses looking to work more efficiently as they meet the challenges of a changing operating landscape.

From digitization of time-consuming manual processes to accessing information stored across data silos, RPA applications help businesses deliver cost-savings, time efficiencies and improved data analysis, making it a key tool on the road to smarter business operations. But the market is still young for this technology that in its current form has only been around since the start of the 21st century.

Report Snap Shot

In our state of RPA report we show:

  • The current and potential uses for RPA, along with the benefits offered and the adoption challenges that businesses face.
  • Tasks where RPA can create and add value to business processes.
  • Where RPA is used within client organisations and their interest in deploying the service.
  • The departments winning the battle to highlight RPA success.

See a summary of the data from this report in our State of RPA infographic.