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Report Red Hat The Value of Business Automation in A Microservices World

The Value of Business Automation in A Microservices World

How to work towards more sophisticated application development and rapidly iterate, test and deploy new ideologies with microservices

Success in digital transformation depends heavily on an enterprise’s ability to move quickly and disrupt traditional ways of thinking. But if creating business automation processes rests solely on the IT department, rapid innovation will likely bottleneck as developers become overloaded with requests from business users for new and altered applications. These business demands seem near impossible to meet, but a new class of business automation solutions are available to help bridge the gap...

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  • IT may now help business users leverage new ideologies like business process management, package them into portable containers, and deploy them easily via microservices.
  • There are many good reasons to start implementing business automation, but two of the most pertinent are agility, and a new alignment of IT’s purpose within the enterprise.