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Backup is Changing - Are You Prepared?

The 5 backup necessities for the modern enterprise

Backup has changed significantly over the past decade, becoming increasingly more complex with huge amounts of data. Long gone are the days when we simply backed-up data physically on-premises to tape! Today, backup environments compromise physical servers across multiple locations as well as virtual machines and the cloud. Due to the increasing complexity of the business data environment, alongside new waves of external threats many businesses are replacing their legacy backup, with modern solution. This whitepaper discusses the changing face of back-up and recovery, and the 5 things you should consider when deploying a new solution.

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By 2021, half of all organisations will augment or replace their current backup application with a different solution, compared to what they deployed at the beginning of 2017.

Solution Categories

Backup Software

Backup Software

Backup software refers to a computer program or application designed to create copies of important d...