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Disaster Recovery 101

Everything you have always wanted to know about disaster recovery – but were afraid to ask.

As businesses continue to be driven by data and digital innovation the prospect of downtime and disruption cannot be ignored. Whether the cause of disruption is a natural disaster, human error or cyber-attack, the loss of data can be costly to the life of a business. There needs to be a water-tight disaster recovery plan in place to minimise data loss and maximise productivity amid any compromising situation. This guide will assist you in making informed decisions when implementing a DR strategy, enabling you to build a resilient IT infrastructure.

Report Snap Shot

  • Cost of data-centre outages by industry
  • The growing threat of ransomware – in figures
  • 7 necessary elements for a successful disaster recovery plan 

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Backup Software

Backup Software

Backup software refers to a computer program or application designed to create copies of important d...