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  • IDC: Hitachi Vantara Jumps into Midrange Storage with an Aggressive Offering

IDC: Hitachi Vantara Drives a Compelling Value Proposition as It Pursues Midrange Storage Customers

In mid-2020, Hitachi Vantara introduced a midrange version of its flagship, Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP), for the first time, and in late 2020, it expanded its midrange VSP portfolio. This represents a major change in the longtime enterprise storage vendor's strategy that has also driven an evolution of its indirect channel strategy.

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This IDC Market Note reviews the vendor's midrange offering, commenting about its prospects in enterprise storage going forward.

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Server Management Software

Server Management Software

Server management software refers to a suite of tools and applications designed to streamline the ad...

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud storage software refers to a digital solution that allows individuals and businesses to store ...