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  • Managing Workload Efficiency with Quest® Foglight®

Managing Workload Efficiency with Quest® Foglight® for MySQL Performance Investigator Edition

You’ve reduced your database licensing costs thanks to MySQL. But how do you know you haven’t also reduced your database performance?

Not all database monitoring and diagnostic tools are the same. Even though you and your fellow database administrators have years of expertise on Oracle and SQL Server, open-source databases like MySQL are new territory.

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While your organization focuses on bridging that database skills gap, you can’t let outages or application slow-downs hamper employee productivity and customer transactions.

Solution Categories

Database Monitoring Software

Database Monitoring Software

Database monitoring software refers to a specialized tool or application that is designed to monitor...

Database Software

Database Software

Database software refers to computer applications or programs that are designed to manage and organi...

Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Log management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations collect, sto...