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  • Modern Dell EMC Storage & Data Protection Optimize SAP Workloads

Modern Dell EMC Storage And Data Protection Optimize SAP Workloads And S4/HANA Migration

Firms that modernized their IT architecture prior to the migration rated their top business benefits 50% to 80% higher than those that didn’t.

Many organizations utilize SAP enterprise software to manage their data capital; however, as of 2025, SAP software will run on only one database, SAP HANA. This deadline and the desire to leverage SAP’s next-generation applications, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, are driving enterprises to migrate to SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA. The purpose of this study is to evaluate key challenges, drivers, benefits, and costs of migrating to SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA and determine Dell EMC’s overall impact in delivering value against those factors.

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“We have seen an average reduction of runtimes of 50% to 60% between the Dell EMC technology and SAP HANA database upgrades.” Vice president, information technology, sports equipment

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