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NVME Modern SAN Primer

Enterprise data storage is being transformed by new technology - again.

This time, the emergent technology is NVMe - short for nonvolatile memory express - a new storage access and transport protocol that delivers the fastest response times yet for business-critical enterprise applications. And it's about to provide a major speed boost.

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In this primer, you'll learn how NVMe technology:

  • Defines a new high-speed data transfer protocol for SSDs to communicate with enterprise/client systems
  • Provides higher IOPS and reduces latency 
  • Takes advantage of the ever-increasing speed of the Fibre Channel transport and other networking technologies

Solution Categories

Server Management Software

Server Management Software

Server management software refers to a suite of tools and applications designed to streamline the ad...

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud storage software refers to a digital solution that allows individuals and businesses to store ...