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Pure as-a-Service

One subscription for on-premises and public-cloud storage-as-service.

Pure as-a-Service is a platform for transforming an enterprise storage environment into a highly efficient storage utility. The industry’s first on-premises storage-as-a-service (STaaS) offering from a major vendor, Pure as-a-Service leverages the industry-leading, field-proven, FlashArray™ and FlashBlade™ infrastructure to achieve success with peta-scale organizations and a 100% retention rate.

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A single subscription and one set of Pure1® management tools allow you to efficiently manage a unified hybrid cloud storage environment backed by pre- and post-sales professional services.

Solution Categories

Server Management Software

Server Management Software

Server management software refers to a suite of tools and applications designed to streamline the ad...

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud Storage Software

Cloud storage software refers to a digital solution that allows individuals and businesses to store ...