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SharePlex® by Quest® for Apache Kafka

SharePlex is a change data capture (CDC) tool for Kafka that provides high value through increased availability, scalability and data integration services.

Fast-moving data is needed for the real-time analytics that drive business decisions. If data can’t move effectively between its endpoints, the costs from inefficient processing could be significant.

Report Snap Shot

Many organizations are adopting Apache Kafka to decouple their data endpoints through the use of a middleware platform. Kafka is essentially a message broker that eliminates the need for multiple endpoints to be compatible with each other – they simply need to interact with Kafka.

Solution Categories

Database Monitoring Software

Database Monitoring Software

Database monitoring software refers to a specialized tool or application that is designed to monitor...

Database Software

Database Software

Database software refers to computer applications or programs that are designed to manage and organi...

Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Log management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations collect, sto...