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  • SharePlex® by Quest® for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

SharePlex® by Quest® for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

Oracle to SQL Server and Azure SQL Database replication for better business intelligence and reporting

Take advantage of Microsoft business intelligence tools, reduce Oracle license costs, increase scalability, maximize availability and provide near real-time data integration with SharePlex® by Quest® for SQL Server.

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With SharePlex for SQL Server, you can easily replicate multiple copies of data locally, remotely or in the cloud to:

  • Maximize the value of your data
  • Achieve cost-effective scalability
  • Move Oracle workloads into the cloud
  • Reduce storage costs

Solution Categories

Database Monitoring Software

Database Monitoring Software

Database monitoring software refers to a specialized tool or application that is designed to monitor...

Database Software

Database Software

Database software refers to computer applications or programs that are designed to manage and organi...

Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Log management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations collect, sto...