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Report Simplify data management and turn your data into intelligence

Simplify data management and turn your data into intelligence

Conventional data management systems create data silos and complexity that are at odds with the need for agility in a global enterprise. As a result, data management can’t keep pace with business requirements. Learn how a hybrid cloud-based solution (based on self-service, on-demand availability, and easy to-move apps and data) can simplify operations and data management so you can turn your data into intelligence.

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  • Data must be: available and reliable 24x7x365 (seamless access edge to core), protected with enterprise grade governance and security, and accessible to those who need it and their applications
  • You need one view of all your data, no matter where its located (edge, on-premises, cloud)
  • Hybrid cloud makes your applications and data more available, reliable, and accessible, all while maintaining security.