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The State of IT Resilience

How to prepare your business for disaster recovery to reach IT resilience

Many organisations view disaster recovery (DR) preparedness as an insurance policy and, therefore, an expense that is likely to have little payback. This approach to disaster recovery is inadequate for today's digital businesses. If DR initiatives are viewed as a cost an organisations daily operational activities, cloud and digital transformation initiatives will be exposed to a higher rate of failure. Business must be prepared to manage and mitigate any event where there is potential for data to be corrupted or lost. Read this report to find out how.

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  • IDC estimates that as many as 50% of organisations could not survive a disaster event.
  • Approximately 91% of tech-related have experienced business disruption in the past two years.
  • It's estimated that worldwide spending on digital transformation will reach $1.18 trillion in 2019, an increase of 17.9% over 2018.

Solution Categories

Backup Software

Backup Software

Backup software refers to a computer program or application designed to create copies of important d...