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  • Using Open-Source Databases to Get More From Your Oracle Data

Using Open-Source Databases to Get More From Your Oracle Data

Use SharePlex® by Quest® to get more out of your Oracle data by replicating to MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Database developers and database administrators (DBAs) have been using open-source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL for many years. The platforms are mature, they offer flexibility with low license costs and they have a huge community following. Plus, they help you reduce your dependence on commercial databases such as Oracle Database.

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This technical brief explores ways to use SharePlex® by Quest® to replicate your Oracle data to opensource databases.

Solution Categories

Database Monitoring Software

Database Monitoring Software

Database monitoring software refers to a specialized tool or application that is designed to monitor...

Database Software

Database Software

Database software refers to computer applications or programs that are designed to manage and organi...

Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Log management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations collect, sto...