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Report Nice - 7 Trainable Soft Skills for Outstanding Agents

7 Trainable Soft Skills for Outstanding Agents

It’s Saturday morning, and your customer has an issue. They pick up the phone—and dial the number to your support line, expecting instant gratification. There’s only one problem: Your customer might not get connected with the agent they expect. Will they be a knowledgeable one? Will they be understanding and empathetic? Or will they seem disconnected or uncaring? Either way, the customer-agent interaction has the power to be memorable—for better or worse.

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This report covers:

  • Active listening 
  • Being a team player
  • Big-picture thinking

Solution Categories

Call Center Software

Call Center Software

Call center software refers to a digital solution that streamlines and enhances the operations of a ...

Contact Center Software

Contact Center Software

Contact center software refers to a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to effectively ma...

Contact Center Quality Assurance Software

Contact Center Quality Assurance Software

Contact center quality assurance software is a specialized tool designed to monitor and evaluate the...