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  • Choosing a Collaboration Platform to Power a Digital Workforce

Choosing a Collaboration Platform to Power a Digital Workforce

There's a lot of collaboration platforms out there to power your digital transformation. Here's how to make the best decision...

Distributed teams, virtual workforces, around-the-clock and around-the-world commerce, pervasive mobility and rapidly changing regulatory requirements - just some of the factors driving dramatic changes in the way work gets done. This change in the way organisations conduct business necessitates collaboration – and as a result, organisations are investing – heavily – in collaboration tools. There’s just one problem with this surge in interest – the market is now oversaturated with dozens of different options to choose from.

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The global market for cloud-based collaboration tools is projected to spike to nearly $43 billion by 2021. 

Solution Categories

File Sharing Software

File Sharing Software

File sharing software refers to computer programs or applications that enable the transfer of digita...