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  • Hybrid Work: Why it's Time to Move Your On-Premises PBX to the Cloud

Hybrid Work: Why it's Time to Move Your On-Premises PBX to the Cloud

Now that businesses are returning to work, the question becomes: what role will the cloud play in the future of work?

It’s clear that the future workforce will be hybrid, with some workers in the office, some working remotely, and some a combination of the two. And with these rapidly changing needs, businesses realized just how vital the cloud is to flexibility and agility. Now that businesses are returning to work, the question becomes: what role will the cloud play in the future of work?

Report Snap Shot

  • Remote and flexible work: The new normal 
  • In hybrid and remote work, cloud flexibility matters 
  • The many benefits of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) 
  • The time to move to cloud UC is now

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