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Private Cloud for Business Communications

More businesses are turning to cloud communications.

So, you’re considering private cloud for your business communications. You’re not alone! But why choose private cloud for your communications? What do you need to know about private cloud? And what are the next steps on your path? Before diving in, you must have the answers to these key questions.

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  • Strength and security: If you can’t risk the potential reliability and bandwidth issues involved in sharing the public cloud, private cloud provides maximum organizational control and security.
  • Powerful integrations: Private cloud deployments are ideal for large enterprises that need to integrate with existing systems and applications.
  • Budgeting flexibility: Private cloud platforms can be procured through a CAPEX or perpetual license model, or through a solutions provider with an OPEX or recurring license model.

Solution Categories

Mobility Software

Mobility Software

Mobility software refers to a type of technology that enables the management and optimization of mob...

Mobile Device Management Software

Mobile Device Management Software

Mobile Device Management Software refers to a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to effi...