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Success Story: Farmers Insurance Group

Learn how Farmers Insurance Group harvested hosted voice with GoToConnect

Farmers Insurance Group has been serving America since 1928, only one year before the greatest economic depression in American history. Farmers’ success then and now is directly attributable to innovative business thinking and a commitment to doing what’s right. Today, Farmers supports individual owner agents who do more than just help customers protect their hard-earned assets. Farmers agents are leaders, helping communities get back on their feet after a disaster, and being the one customers turn to, time and time again.

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"The GoToConnext system is simple. We never miss calls anymore." - Garrett Sadusky, Agent Business Consultant

Solution Categories

Telephony Software

Telephony Software

Telephony software refers to a technology that enables voice communication over the internet or a tr...

Voip Software

Voip Software

VoIP software, short for Voice over Internet Protocol software, is a digital communication technolog...

Call Recording Software

Call Recording Software

Call recording software refers to a digital tool that enables users to record and store telephone co...