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The Need for Speed

Why companies need to deliver fast, consolidated customer service.

A customer service team often forms our opinion of the company itself – and we do rate companies based on how quickly they can respond, how well they answer our queries and the helpfulness of the customer service agent. But underlying the entire experience is speed – consumers have little patience for slow service and won’t hesitate to take their business elsewhere. This report analyses the responses of 2,000 UK citizens on their customer service experiences.

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64% of people say they have been frustrated at the length of time it has taken a customer service team to solve a problem – and over half would stop shopping with a brand based on a slow customer service.

Solution Categories

Telephony Software

Telephony Software

Telephony software refers to a technology that enables voice communication over the internet or a tr...

Voip Software

Voip Software

VoIP software, short for Voice over Internet Protocol software, is a digital communication technolog...

Call Recording Software

Call Recording Software

Call recording software refers to a digital tool that enables users to record and store telephone co...