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  • The State of Communications: Lots of Choice and Still Not Happy with It

The State of Communications: Lots of Choice and Still Not Happy with It

Explore the state of the businesses communication industry, common challenges affecting IT leaders and the best problem-solving investments...

IT leaders are faced with a growing challenge when it comes to providing business communications capabilities that deliver what employees need, and customers expect. What makes it so difficult is the level of choice in B2B communications. It has been found that more than 70% of companies use two to five providers for communication services, but not many of those companies are actually satisfied. This research report examines the state of the industry, common industry challenges and the investments that are being made to overcome these challenges.

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  • More than two-thirds (70%) of companies use two to five providers for communication services while almost a quarter (22%) use more than six providers.
  • Only half of companies are satisfied with most aspects of their current communication services or applications.
  • Nearly all companies (98%) replace their communication platforms within five years.

Solution Categories

Telephony Software

Telephony Software

Telephony software refers to a technology that enables voice communication over the internet or a tr...

Voip Software

Voip Software

VoIP software, short for Voice over Internet Protocol software, is a digital communication technolog...

Call Recording Software

Call Recording Software

Call recording software refers to a digital tool that enables users to record and store telephone co...