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Checklist: How to Choose Security Compliance Technology

How the right technology solution can help streamline your InfoSec compliance program

If you find yourself drowning in a sea of compliance requirements, juggling multiple frameworks, and struggling to keep track of your compliance stakeholders and workflows, it may be time to bring order to the chaos. The right technology solution can help streamline your InfoSec compliance program in a centralised platform that automates manual processes and enables real-time collaboration and reporting. Not sure where to start? This downloadable checklist from AuditBoard offers a list of nine features to look for in compliance management technology, such as: A Centralised, Single Source of Truth, Real-Time Collaboration and Follow-Up Capabilities, Ability to Standardise the Issue Management Workflow

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  • Centralized, single source of truth 
  • Automated evidence collection 
  • Real-time collaboration and follow-up 
  • Intuitive and easy to use 
  • Agile reporting capabilities 
  • Issues dashboard that enforces the issues management methodology