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E-Discovery Success Starts at the Beginning

For many organizations, eDiscovery is a costly and inefficient process. Deploying a solution that integrates archiving and ediscovery can help organizations save money and mitigate risk...

Often, e-discovery solutions focus on the middle of the electronic discovery reference model (EDRM) and only concern themselves with review and production. Certainly, the majority of e-discovery cost is at the review stage and often the focus is on making that process as efficient as possible. The less you collect then the less you must review. A focus on best practices on the left‐hand side of the EDRM can sow great rewards to be reaped later. Businesses that wait until they are sued before they start preparing for litigation lose no matter what the case outcome is.

Report Snap Shot

This report will explore:

  • Benefits of archiving automation
  • Considerations and challenges
  • Market trends
  • Considering Mimecast Cloud Archive