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Report Honeywell - In Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing: What Constitutes a Safe Facility?

In Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing: What Constitutes a Safe Facility?

Lithium Battery Production Standards

As the battery industry faces rapid growth, insights from the semiconductor sector which faced similar issues with code adoption and standards provide a valuable roadmap. The International Code Council (ICC) developed global standards, such as the International Building Code and International Fire Code, to address safety and performance in manufacturing. In 2024, the IFC introduces new sections for lithium-ion battery applications, a crucial first step toward dedicated standards for battery manufacturing. Until specific codes are developed, recent Energy Storage Systems standards provide a framework for safety and compliance, emphasising the prevention of thermal runaway.

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This report covers:

  • The evolving landscape of codes and standards
  • Protection of battery manufacturing facilities
  • Challenges and solutions in the battery industry