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Webinar sai360-a-practical-approach-to-data-driven-occupational-health-and-safety

How to Manage Your Data in the Health and Safety Industry

A Practical Approach to Data-Driven Occupational Health and Safety

The key to approaching your Occupational Health and Safety data, is to look at the core fundamentals - focus points that are critical for managing and collecting optimal data. In addition to introducing a new strategy, there must be a high level of preparation, in order to integrate existing systems of reporting and data collection, with the newer technologies that are needing to be be implemented. Watch this Webinar, to find out how to get your data right in the Health and Safety industry.

Watch Webinar

Webinar Snap shot

  • What are the fundamentals of data collection
  • How to formulate a robust data strategy
  • Key steps to improve data collection