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5 Ways eSignatures Speed Up Workflows and Accelerate Growth

As workers across the globe adapt to new ways of working, businesses are looking for simple solutions to accelerate growth and eliminate time-intensive manual processes.

With electronic signatures your documents can be signed and sent in a few clicks from anywhere, anytime. Matter of fact, Dropbox has helped businesses improve contract turnaround times by as much as 80%, while providing a court-admissable audit trail. So if your business has dispersed work, and needs to speed up workflows on the go, read this ebook to discover some of the key benefits of investing in an eSignature tool.

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29% of the working day is now spent on unproductive tasks like tracking down content, responding to emails and managing paperwork.

Solution Categories

Productivity Software

Productivity Software

Productivity software refers to a range of computer programs, applications, or tools designed to hel...