8 European Cities That Are Leading The Way In Developing Safe And Sustainable Communities
Creating Sustainable Communities And Working Towards Net-Zero TargetsEurope has long championed green cities, with the Benelux region being home to many of them. But they aren’t alone. Neighbours France and Germany have increasingly improved mobility in their cities too, creating sustainable communities and working towards net-zero targets. For city planners, what these nations are doing can act as a benchmark. Not only do they provide an insight into how you can reduce emissions, but also how you can improve the quality of life and attract greater investment. Download this eBook to find a round up eight of the most sustainable cities in Europe and what they are doing to develop safe and sustainable communities.
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"Europe has long championed green cities, with the Benelux region (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) being home to many of them. Indeed, they’re often calling upon the European Commission to rethink sustainable transport strategies."