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Rapidly Adapt Your Operations to Ensure a Safe Workplace

Ways you can use low-code platforms to assess your operations, effectively communicate, and make sure your employees are safe and secure as they try to adjust to this new world

Whether you’re planning your reopening or already back to work, organizations must prepare for a variety of changes and challenges post COVID-19. Challenges arising from internal priorities, as well as due to external laws and guidelines. For example: Do state guidelines require employees to wear masks? What sanitary measures do we need to meet sanitary guidelines? How do we get access to PPE? How do we reconfigure our workplace to accommodate social distancing guidelines? What happens if someone tests positive for COVID-19? Learn how to solve these challenges in a fast, cost-efficient way, and prepare your organization to bounce back from future disruption faster, with less resources lost.

Report Snap Shot

  • The impact of COVID-19
  • Initial Challenges: remote work, data acessibility
  • Assessing Your Needs: guidlines to reopening
  • How Low-Code Helps
  • Employee Health: protecting your returning workforce
  • Facilites Management
  • The Road to Recover