The Executive Agenda - Financial Planning Beyond the Crisis
Remote-enabled finance and scenario planning for uncertaintyWe all learned a lot over the past two years. About what our people are capable of. About how we – and our organisations – respond under extreme pressure. And about how even when the going is good, we need to be ready for anything. Watch the recording of our host Mark Jeffries' conversation with Georgina Kossivas, CFO of Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), Paul Rockwood, CFO of City of Port Moody, and our own CFO, Gordon Stuart about moving beyond the crisis and becoming future ready.
Watch WebinarWebinar Snap shot
- The real-world challenges of taking finance remote
- How to plan for various scenarios you might be faced with
- The role of technology in enabling the transition
- The lessons we'll take into the future to ensure our organisations are future ready