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Report Hamilton CapTel

Hearing Loss and Comorbidities: 2022 Update

In 2017, Harvey Abrams, Ph.D., published a white paper examining specific chronic conditions associated with hearing loss titled Hearing Loss and Associated Comorbidities: What Do We Know? This new white paper from 2022 expands on the first one, exploring current associations between hearing loss and multiple other issues including fall risk, depression, social isolation, cognitive impairment and more. One topic not addressed in the 2017 paper – but added to this review – is the discussion associated with the combined effects of hearing and visual impairment, or dual sensory impairment (DSI). This paper also provides an update of the literature associated with the potentially modifying effects of audiologic intervention – specifically hearing aids.

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Read it to learn more about:

  • Statistical prevalence of the different comorbidities to hearing loss
  • Demographic breakdowns of the various comorbidities
  • Data associated with hearing loss treatment and comorbidity abatement