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How do you Make a Person-Centred Care Plan?

Does a care plan need to be person centred?

Using a pre existing care plan template helps to save time and can help you make sure you’ve not forgotten anything. But in order to make sure they’re person centred, they need to focus on the goals and priorities of each person, with outcomes to match. However, paper care plans will soon be replaced by digital, and if you’re thinking about making the switch to a care planning software solution, now would be the perfect time to stay ahead.

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  • affording people dignity, compassion and respect
  • offering coordinated care, support or treatment
  • offering personalised care, support or treatment
  • supporting people to recognise and develop their own strengths and abilities to enable them to live an independent and fulfilling life.

Solution Categories

Business Management Software

Business Management Software

Business management software refers to a suite of digital tools and applications designed to streaml...

Presentation Software

Presentation Software

Presentation software refers to computer programs or applications that enable users to create and de...