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HR's Agenda in the Organisation of the Future

It’s all about the data

The business context for organisations today is ever more challenging, characterised by disruption on an unprecedented scale, fastpaced technology-driven change and social, political and demographic upheaval. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated changes we were already experiencing, forcing organisations to rethink their strategies, reconfigure their operations and change working practices at speed. It has allowed HR to play a central role in shaping the response and demonstrate its essential contribution to business success.

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This research set out to answer the following questions: 

  • What are the principal features of the context within which our organisations operate, which in turn determine the agenda for HR?
  • How is HR’s purpose and focus evolving in response?
  • What contribution can HR make to shaping and executing the organisation’s strategy in a highly dynamic context?

Solution Categories

Remote Work Software

Remote Work Software

Remote work software refers to a set of tools and applications designed to facilitate and enhance pr...