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Planning in Uncertain Times: Webinar Summary

Business Resilience & Connected Planning: How to Weather the Storm

Disruption is the new normal. Even before the pandemic, businesses faced a perfect storm of turmoil, from climate change to Brexit, from AI to Bitcoin. Now, as Covid-19 shockwaves destabilise the very foundations of daily life, it’s more important than ever that businesses build agility into their operating models, to provide resilience against further shocks. This report summarises a recent webinar in which a panel of experts from Anglian Water, EY, Legal & General and Three join Anaplan to explore how forward-looking organisations are guarding against future uncertainties.

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“Resilience is about the ability of a business to not only overcome the challenges of change but also to capture opportunities”

Pinakin Patel, VP EMEA, Solutions Consulting, Anaplan