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Report Procore How We Build Now 2023 Benchmark

How We Build Now 2023 Benchmark

Technology and Industry Trends Shaping UK and Irish Construction in 2023

Construction technology and data not only play critical roles in how we build now, but also in how we protect our industry against unexpected challenges to productivity and profitability in the future. Procore's How We Build Now 2023 Benchmark Report, conducted by Censuswide, gathers insight from the UK and Ireland's construction leaders on key focus areas for the industry now and in the coming years.

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  • Why 44% of firms are planning to introduce construction management platforms in the next 12 months.
  • Reasons for 28% of decision makers significantly increasing their investment in technology as a result of the economic pressures.
  • How 25% of a typical project’s time is spent on rework / rectifying issues - and how tech is helping to overcome this.