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Reach Outstanding in your Next CQC inspection

How to improve your CQC report in 2020

Reaching that all-important outstanding rating in you CQC report is a lofty, but achievable goal for many care providers. Your CQC inspector wants to see evidence of how your staff are actively caring for our clients to prove you’re reaching ‘outstanding’. With digital profiles and task schedules that can be personalised, you can easily reference changes that have been made, and the decisions your clients have been actively involved in.

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  • Your CQC inspector will want to see evidence of how your staff are actively caring for your clients to prove you’re reaching ‘outstanding’.
  • With digital profiles and task schedules that can be personalised, you can easily reference some of the changes you’ve made, and the decisions that your clients have been actively involved in.

Solution Categories

Business Management Software

Business Management Software

Business management software refers to a suite of digital tools and applications designed to streaml...

Presentation Software

Presentation Software

Presentation software refers to computer programs or applications that enable users to create and de...