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The Workflow Automation Pulse Report

Workflow automation is designed to help your teams work smarter, not harder. But are businesses making the most of these tools?

Technology has transformed the way we work over the last few decades, with new tools and software being introduced into the workplace to make our lives easier. Often, these tools are utilized by employees to make manual, labor-intensive tasks quicker and more efficient to complete. The trouble is, they still require too much human intervention to ensure they work. But with workflow automation, this is not the case. In this report, Insights for Professionals, in partnership with Nintex, explore the current state of workflow automation across organizations of all sizes, looking at attitudes toward workflow automation and the future of these tools in the workplace.

Report Snap Shot

  • 85% of organizations have already implemented workflow automation
  • 52% of senior professionals agree that the adoption of workflow automation has been good
  • 35% of respondents found managing large volumes of data to be their biggest challenge

Solution Categories

Business Management Software

Business Management Software

Business management software refers to a suite of digital tools and applications designed to streaml...

Presentation Software

Presentation Software

Presentation software refers to computer programs or applications that enable users to create and de...