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Ardent Partners: Procurement Metrics that Matter in 2022

A compilation of the industries best and most widely-used procurement industry benchmarks.

According to Ardent Partner’s global survey of 369 procurement leaders, managing supply risk, fighting inflation and prioritising cost savings are the top priorities for Chief Procurement Officers (CPO. In this annual flagship report, we dive into the key issues of the day with a focus on how procurement organisations can accelerate their performance and the key metrics that belong on every CPO’s dashboard.

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  • 43.9% of CPOs lack the visibility and capabilities to rank the risk levels of their suppliers

Solution Categories

Order Management Software

Order Management Software

Order management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to streamline and automate their ord...

Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software

Vendor management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps businesses effectively ...

Purchasing Software

Purchasing Software

Purchasing software refers to specialized software programs designed to streamline and automate the ...